2012年2月12日 星期日



team.dfb.de:  Arises the sense of belonging to a team more quickly or more slowly  in the national team than in the Bundesliga?
Schürrle: Hard to say. In the Bundesliga, it goes faster, I think. Quite simply because you be together every day and have many more opportunities to prove yourself. In addition, you have a game every week and a chance to proof your value for the team and for the club every week.

team.dfb.de: After eleven internationals – do you feel like you have finally arrived in the DFB team 100 percent?
Schürrle: Yes. I don’t have this feeling only since the meeting in Bremen. In the national team it’s basically just about performance, too. And it helps if you constantly included over a longer period of time. You then have the chance to get to know the other players closer. I’ve been at all meetings of the national team since one year. Meanwhile, I am feel totally integrated and accepted. I always have a lot of fun with the national team.

team.dfb.de: Especially with Marco Reus, with whom you are also private friends. How is the man Marco Reus?
哈哈,尤其是當你跟Marco Reus在一起的時候吧!你們私底下也是很好的朋友,告訴我們他是怎麼樣的一個人呢?
Schürrle: He’s just a similar type as me.

team.dfb.de:  This means?
Schürrle: He’s a little crazy, he doesn’t take things too seriously and he’s always up to some fun. The same goes for Mario Götze, who unfortunately can’t be here this time. We all live relatively close to each other and often meet privately all 3 to go in the city, go shopping, drink a cup of coffee, eat something. With the two, it’s really fun.
2:他有一點小瘋狂,不會太嚴肅對待事情而且永遠在尋找樂子,這點跟Mario Götze一樣,很遺憾他這次缺席了。我們私底下的互動很多,常常三個人一起出去玩~去血拼啦、喝咖啡啦、吃點東西啦什麼的,跟他們倆在一起總是非常有趣☆

team.dfb.de: How important is it for your performance in your team that you have friends and you feel well within the team?
Schürrle: Very important. I need people around me, who are on the same wavelength and with whom it’s never boring or annoying. If I wouldn’t feel comfortable within a team, I could never give my best performance.


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